“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker
This blog promises to help you do more of the right things.
I hope it’s useful.
Top read Brand new leadership blog from Hack Yourself: The Unorthodox Leadership Tactic That Brings Passion And Energy To Your Team (reading time 4 mins).
Recommended podcast Dose of Leadership with Richard Rierson on Itunes or via Richard’s website.
Leadership 7 Leadership Resources for Any Stage of Your Career (reading time 3 mins).
Communication TED Talk: How To Speak So People Want To Listen, by Julian Treasure (watch time 10 mins).
Live life happy We stumbled across this gem. Just simple, inspiring stories (reading time + 5 mins).
Take a break and get some perspective
TED Talk – 4 Billion Years Of Evolution In Under 6 Minutes.
That’s all for now, but keep on keeping on… buy the book, follow us on Twitter/Instagram or connect with me on LinkedIn and ask me anything!